Thursday, June 10, 2010

Our Saturdays.

Saturdays are not what they are used to be. But they are sure what I want them to be. Ask Seth though and he'll probably give you a different answer. I'm usually up early and go for a run before the kids are even awake. Later, we tend to our lawn, garden and trees. We also try getting the kids involved even if it's only a few minutes before they run off to play soccer or baseball.

Seth taught the kids when taking the weeds out, making sure to get them with their roots.

With Julia's help, we might need to bring another truck load of dirt in our backyard.

As soon as David's hands get a bit muddy, he preoccupies himself with more fun activities.

Meanwhile, Julia and I have only one thing on our minds -- food.

It feels good to take care of our "land" and teach the kids a thing or two about responsibilities, hard work and being good to our planet.

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