Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Weekend.

My kids love having breakfast outside. And who could blame them? With 80 degree weather, none of us wants go be inside. But it also means that on Sunday mornings they pull us out of bed at 7 am to play t-ball with them. I could live with it though especially if we are to spend the rest of the day at the pool in the month of May!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Simply Irresistible.

I've been knitting baby booties lately since purchasing "booties, blankets & bears" book. I didn't have a recipient in my mind when knitting them, I just had to make them. They are so cute (at least in the book) that I couldn't resist. I tAdd Imagehink I might start following Julia's example and ask random strangers if they are pregnant. While visiting Intrepid last weekend, Julia asked one of the workers there if she had a baby in her stomach. The woman's response was "No, it's all me".

(This picture has nothing to do with knitting. I thought I'll just throw in one picture of the kids.)

Thoughtfulness On Mother's Day.

Home and School Association in David's school was selling plants a week before mother's day. David asked me if he could have some cash, so he could purchase me some plants. I picked him up from school and he was holding these two pots. Turns out he purchased one for Julia and with the money left over he got one for me as well. Can you guess which one is for me (hint: it's not looking so good.... actually neither one of them is)?