Monday, August 13, 2007

It is an animal weekend.

Early morning last Saturday, Seth went to the gym and I took the kids to the local park. The morning was cool and breezy. We hadn't had such nice weather in months and it was a perfect day to spend outside. So, in a spur of a moment it was decided -- the Bronx zoo.

Even though Julia had been there 2 months ago, she acted totally different this time. She was more curious and attentive to the animals.

She was fascinated with the fish.

Julia was even braver than me on the Sky Skyfari ride which features a treetop view of the park. She was looking all around while I kept my eyes shut for the duration of the ride. David loved the Wild Asia Monorail ride -- not because of the view, but rather because he felt like he was riding a train. His life revolves around going to the train tracks nearby our house, watching train pass and weekly train rides in the Van Saun park. So, this was a real treat for him.

Meanwhile, Julia was flirting with the other passengers and trying to get out of the car. Just like her brother, she doesn't stay in one spot longer than a minute.

After having so much fun on Saturday (some of us more than the others), and despite Seth and I being tired, we headed to the Central Park on Sunday to meet up with their cousins Marko and Daria. Prior to meeting up, however, the kids played in a few playgrounds and went to the Central Park Children Zoo, where the kids watched a puppet show, ran wild, climbed a spider web and were amused by the noises coming from the mini animal statues.

On Monday, he was still excited about having visited the zoos. In fact, during his morning appointment with his speech therapist, he was talking about the animals he saw this past weekend and the noises they make. I think it is going to be awhile before we return to the zoo, but then again, you never know when you have little children.

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