Monday, April 6, 2009

Riding in Style.

Both Julia and David graduated to the big bikes this weekend. Originally, we were planning to purchase a bike for David that he could use for at least 2 to 3 years. Of course, once in a store, Julia literally pulled a princess bike off a low shelf and started riding it all over the store. Even though she already had about 3 tricycles at home, she would keep falling off of them with only her face to cushion her fall. (Ouch!) She did great on the larger bike with the training wheels and even learned how to use the brakes by pedaling backwards.

Sunday was the kids' first test drive. (Sidewalk walkers beware!)

Of course, it is imposible to go into the town and not to bump into [no pun intended] someone we know. We ran into [really... no pun intended] one of Julia's friends (who happened to be over 30 years older than her) who was biking with her boys as well. She led us to the best (and quietest) track in the town and all our kids ended up racing for over an hour.

By the end, Julia was exhausted. I didn't mind holding her as I knew she would have to pedal the half hour back home.

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