Saturday, July 9, 2011

Summer Fun.

Our past weekend was packed with a lot of exciting events. Saturday, David had his first swim meet. I'm not going to elaborate on the significance of this event for me because I'm trying to keep it sweet and short here for once. I'm just going to say that for a child who wouldn't get into a pool for almost 5 years of his life, it was a big deal. He loves team sports in general whether it's t-ball, soccer or hockey, but swimming seems to be his favorite right now.

As David was getting ready to swim, he said to me "I'm going to kill them". What? According to him, that's what a kid in a Diary of a Wimpy Kid book says. Ok, so after explaining that it's not really nice to say, I made a mental note to check the book myself. Not only does is say it in there "kill 'em" while referring to a child participating in a swimming competition, but the first few pages are filled with how much the kid dislikes swimming. I think the book will be going back to the library tomorrow. The only reason David picked this book in the first place was because the older kids, including his 3rd grade book buddy, read it. After all, there is a reason why many books have suggested age printed in the back of them.

Julia and I spent Sunday at the beach while Seth and David hung out in the city an entire day. They went to a museum, a street festival and visited Seth's uncle and aunt.

It was a great, yet another exhausting weekend. Every summer I wonder what we preoccupy ourselves in a winter with. I know, we don't sit around watching tv, but still it doesn't seem as fun, busy and sometimes tiring as these summer weekends are.

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