Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July Run for Fun Race.

It's become our tradition to participate in an annual Leonia "run for fun" race on the 4th of July. I ran 5K in 24:08 minutes, Julia and David ran a race around a block. Here are some pictures from earlier today.

Do you see a woman behind me? She was able to catch up to me by a finish line. Our times were tied, yet she got a first place trophy. Am I just a bit sensitive? You bet.

It is a great family tradition and even though with a few bumps on a way (such as Julia being bored of waiting for her race to start and decided to walk back home alone crossing two streets until Seth realized she wasn't turning and coming back), I'm looking forward to them joining me one day running 5K.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

24 minutes!!!!! OMG. You kill me. Congratulations!! So wish I could have been there. Glad to see the kiddos running. Julia cracks me up. This girl has a mind of her own all right, and the feet to take her where ever she wants to go.