Monday, August 8, 2011

Tea Time.

Julia turned 5 years old last week. Five! Last year she couldn't care less how old she was turning and this year she couldn't stop telling people that she is going to be 5 soon. I decided to throw her a tea party for girls only in our backyard. I was in a denial at first and then paid for it by staying up really late a week leading to the party making everything from scratch. Thankfully, I had come across some party ideas on this site , so I ended up using most of her ideas and barely any of mine.

David helped me out a lot at a last minute decorating, baking, making signs, but he didn't stay to enjoy any of it. Seth, his friend and David went away for a weekend to Poconos for a NASCAR car race. David's reaction? He told us he won't invite either me or Julia to his birthday party. Hopefully, it means I don't have to plan it either.

I can honestly say I've never been to a quieter party. It went on for awhile as the kids had a great time playing peacefully together. At night, Julia told me she wished her birthday was everyday. And when I said that I can't believe she is five already, she responded "But mama, my fingers are still little" ( I always kiss her fingers and ask her not to let them grow). Happy birthday, Julia, we are all so in love with you (even David even though he won't admit it).


Seth said...

You did such an amazing job preparing and organizing Julia's party!

Unknown said...

This looks awesome!! What a great idea! Love the photo booth!! Happy birthday Julia!!

Olena said...

Love it! Great job Natalka, as always! Wish Sophia could attend! We love Julia too, very much!!!

Olena said...

Love it! Great job Natalka, as always! Wish Sophia could attend! We love Julia too, very much!!!