Monday, December 10, 2007

Next Stop ... Kazimiroff Blvd.

First it was the Model Engineers Railroad Club Train Show. Then it was the "Station at the Citigroup Center" and the "NY Transit Museum Holiday Train Show." Now it's the "NY Botanical Gardens Holiday Train Show."

Seth recently bought an entry-level TomTom GPS navigation toy which he used to successfully get us to the Botanical Gardens in no time. Once there, we met up with Uncle Taras, Aunt Ruslana, and cousins Mark and Daria, and then we made our way through the indoor gardens to where the train show began.

This was Julia's second trip and David's third trip to the annual train show, but they reacted like it was their first time. For a short time, there was no bickering, no pushing and no shouting.

Afterwards, we made our way to the Gingerbread Adventures where both kids played in the gingerbread house, decorated their own ginger cookies and explored muddy nature paths where David learned about bird nests. (Don't ask ...)

The kids (minus a fussy Julia) pose in front of a decorated pine tree. It's difficult to get all the kids to participate in a group picture, and we consider ourselves lucky to get 75% cooperation.

In all, it was a fun, yet exhausting, day for the kids. Once in the car, David and Julia fell asleep for the short trip home... thanks to TomTom!

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