Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Olympic Fever

Although David barely watched the Olympics, he certainly seems inspired as this short clip illustrates:

Okay, so maybe he still has a ways to go, but who knows -- in four years, maybe he'll be ready to compete in the London 2012 Olympics! All we have to do is teach him how to convincingly lie about his age and create a fake passport for him!

Friday, August 15, 2008

600,000 Flags

On Wednesday, August 14, 2008, we packed up the car and headed to Jackson, NJ to go to Six Flags - Great Adventure. For the past month, we've built up to this, trying to get David to understand that carnivals are tiny and Six Flags is huge. Occasionally, it's been part of attempts to modify the kiddies behavior, since only "good boys and girls" are allowed to go to Six Flags.

We left early so that we could go through the Wild Safari before Great Adventure opened up. Julia was pretty much in shock at seeing all the animals up close -- after all, it's not every day that a giraffe is looking down at you through the sun roof.

David, in the meantime, kept pointing out the quiet roller coaster tracks that are viewable from the Safari roads, adding "I see Six Flags!" Despite our trying to divert his attention to the animals nearby and insisting that the roller coasters are closed, there was no doubt where his interests lay and that for him, the safari was just an inconvenient waste of time.

Julia in the meantime, really didn't like the safari and the closer the animals came to the car, the more anxious she became. When an ostrich/emu/whatever bird started pecking at my window, she probably stopped breathing... until it pecked at her window, and a worried whimper forced her to exhale. *sigh*

When we finished the Safari, it was time for the main attraction - Great Adventure!

The kids had a blast, jumping from ride to ride with minimal to no lines. There's something to be said about going to the park in the middle of the week. The kids enjoyed all the rides they were allowed on, with the one exception of a 3-D show about three flies hitching a ride to the Apollo 11 trip to the moon. (David would later ask me how those flies could possibly return as children after the week-long trip if flies generally reach adulthood in ten days.)

When it came time for the Wiggles show, Dorothy the Dinosaur, Henry the Octopus, Wags the Dog, Captain Feathersword and, uhmmm... a Six Flags employee... sang Wiggles tunes and danced on stage. Julia seemed to enjoy it more than David, but both kids were entertained and enjoyed the show.

They even got to meet a few Warner Bros. characters, but it didn't mean much to David or Julia since they've never seen a Bugs Bunny cartoon! Still, anyone in a big bunny costume would make any kid curious.

Oh - as for the title of this blog; I simply multiplied "Six Flags" by the number of times David asked about it!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Our Poconos Vacation in Pictures.

Getting introduced to a miniature golf,

and insisting on playing it over and over again.

Taking a rest in the middle of another day's hiking.

Visiting the falls... again.



Julia sharing her five course meal with cousin Daria.

The girls playing with rocks.

Feeding the fish with their own snacks.